The center's day-to-day management, strategy, financial management and staff development.
Throughout my career, I have moved in the intersection of research, innovation and business and regional development. Industries have been everything from energy and manufacturing industries to fashion, tourism and music industries. Society and business in transition have been the keywords. Or as we in CRT like to call it in our strategy: Places undergoing Change.
I am a child of the countryside, but also a child of the world. That is, I have lived in Horne and Ruds Vedby, Lusaka and Maracaibo – but never in Copenhagen.
I am in charge of the centre’s day-to-day management, strategy and board service, as well as financial management and staff development. In addition, I am responsible for external relations with regional, national and international authorities, research councils and organisations, and also project generation, representation and networking.
Project manager: Carl Henrik Marcussen. The project “Biking South Baltic!” includes a questionnaire survey of cycling tourists. The study’s results are reviewed in this report and are based on a total of 2,285 responses from five regions or parts of the country in three different countries: Pomerania, Poland (506), West Pomerania, Poland (400), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, […]...