SAM-K/LINE®_RHSA: Regional Economic Model for Healthcare and Labour Market

SAM-K/LINE®_RHSA: Regional Economic Model for Healthcare and Labour Market

Forfattere: Laura Virtanen og Nino Javakhishvili.

Centre for Regional and Tourism Research, in collaboration with Centre HR of The Capital Region of Denmark developed Regional Healthcare Satellite Accounting (RHSA) for Danish healthcare sector and labour market of healthcare professionals. RHSA is an economic extension for Regional Economic Model, SAM-K/LINE® that is developed, owned and operated by Centre for Regional and Tourism Research (CRT).

The aim of the model is to provide a detailed quantitative framework for regional short- and long-term projections of the labour market supply and demand of health care professionals (HCPs) in Denmark. Although this project is built together with the Capital Region of Denmark, it is designed to simulate the entire country of Denmark, taking into consid-eration all five regions, 98 municipalities, and inter-regional linkages and flows.

SAM-K/LINE® is the SAM based IO-CGE model with a Keynesian income multiplier for Danish municipalities and is developed to assist the local and regional authorities for planning socioeconomic development in the administrative regions and municipalities in Denmark. The basic structure of LINE® has been documented in a number of scien-tific articles (Madsen, 2009; Madsen & Jensen-Butler, 2004 & 2005; Madsen & Zhang, 2010).

This technical documentation explains the RHSA extension of SAM-K/LINE® in detail – its data input, model structure, outputs and theoretical fundamentals.

Nino Javakhishvili-Larsen

Forsker og teamleder, København, forskning & analyse, ledelse, modelteamet, ph.d.

Forskning i arbejdsmarkeder, human capital, socioøkonomisk geografi og SAM-K/LINE®

Jens Clausen

Chefkonsulent, København, forskning & analyse, modelteamet

Statistiske analyser samt udvikling, vedligehold og kvalitetssikring af databaser.


Øvrige, Bornholm, København, forskning & analyse

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