Anniversary: 30 years of history focusing on knowledge of regional development
By Lars Erik Jønsson, Chairman of CRT
This year, at the Centre for Regional and Tourism Research (CRT), we mark our 30th anniversary. This gives us an opportunity to reflect on the many contributions we have made to regional development, not only on Bornholm but also in the rest of Denmark.
CRT was established as a direct response to Bornholm's acute economic challenges in the early 1990s. The collapse of the Baltic cod fishery resulted in heavy job losses, leaving the island in a crisis. In 1994, CRT was founded as part of the Bornholmer package with the aim of creating new growth opportunities for the island through knowledge-based development.
CRT quickly became a key player in developing strategies for both business and tourism, focusing on harnessing Bornholmsunikke nature and culture as part of the solution.
Developed own regional economic model
In the early years, we focused on establishing ourselves as a research institution with strong local and national collaboration. Tourism was identified early on as an important growth engine for Bornholm, and CRT played a crucial role in documenting and analysing the economic contribution of tourism. At the same time, we developed our regional economic model, SAM-K/LINE®, which made it possible to make accurate projections of local economies and employment. The model has since been a strategic linchpin in our work to create long-term solutions for regional development. It has provided both local and national decision-makers with a stronger understanding of the economic impact of policy and economic decisions and has helped lay the groundwork for new strategic actions.
This combination of tourism research, place-based development and advanced economic models has formed the basis of our success and made us an invaluable knowledge partner for actors looking to developsustainable solutions for place development and regional growth.
Promotes knowledge on the development of outlying areas
As Denmark's only independent research centre focusing on boat regional development and tourism, since its establishment we have worked to promote knowledge about the development of outlying areas by combining research, data analysis and socio-economic models. By drawing on the special potentials and resources of the locations, we have helped create new growth opportunities, both on Bornholm and in other Danish regions.
Knowledge partner providing research, data and analysis
Over the past three decades, we have played an important role in the development of both Bornholm and other outlying areas in Denmark. Our work withplace development and sustainable tourism have been key components of our efforts to ensure that these regions remain competitive and economically viable. Our focus on sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship has helped to promote employment and create business opportunities. At CRT, we provide research, data and analysis that provide an in-depth insight into societal developments at the regional level in areas such as education, business, labour market, tourism and green transition.
Going forward, we will continue to be the knowledge partner for all who want insight into place development and regional transformation. We will deliver research, data and analyses of societal developments at regional and municipal levels. From our branches on Bornholm and in Copenhagen, our experts work to elucidate how transformations in education, business and the labour market affect the development of society in rural and urban areas.
Creates a solid knowledge base for understanding regional development
Our strategy is clear: our efforts must benefit the balanced development of regional and local Denmark. At a time of great transformation, it is important to examine and qualify how changes and special initiatives can affect communities and the lives of citizens differently.
We live in a time marked by the transformation of the economy and society. Green transformation, digitalisation, migration patterns and new forms of consumption create opportunities and challenges for our local communities — both in rural and urban areas. CRT is set in the world to create a solid knowledge base on regional development. It helps our partners navigate the global transformations that affect communities differently.
As a knowledge centre, we are politically independent. We are driven by the desire to ensure that both public and private actors have the necessary knowledge to understand regional development. That's why we provide research, data and analysis that illuminates how initiatives can impact a geographic area and thus the lives of the people who live there.