CRT is a research and development centre providing knowledge on place development and regional transformation.
From our location on Bornholm and in Copenhagen, we work to investigate, calculate and qualify the societal developments that occur in the country and the city.
Our experts
Our offices
Bymarken 12 DK-3790 Hasle
A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen
CRT is established on Bornholm and has a branch in Copenhagen.
With our two departments, we are close to developments in both the country and the city.
The Bornholm Research Centre, as it was then called, was established in October 1994.
Today we are CRT — Centre for Regional and Tourism Research.
The aim of the centre was originally to put Bornholm on the Danish research map and contribute to a positive economic development of Bornholm. In January 2001, Bornholm's Research Centre changed its name to Centre for Regional and Tourism Research. In the same year, the Centre changed its focus from an actual research institute to predominantly project and development work.
With the change of government in 2001, it was decided to dismantle a number of councils, boards and institutions. CRT was included on the so-called “death list”, which was published in January 2002. However, a long, tough battle on the part of the board ensured the survival of the centre, and since then CRT has been a self-owned research and development institution with an annual, financial law-backed foundation grant.
Since 2007, the Centre has also developed and operated the Regional Economic Model from our office in Copenhagen.
Our Reality
Der er nu lukket for at indsende ansøgninger til disse tre stillinger.
We live in a time marked by the transformation of the economy and society. Green transformation, digitalization, migration patterns, new forms of consumption, etc. create both opportunities and challenges for our local communities - in the country and in the city.
- En forsker, med en samfundsvidenskabelig profil til vores forskergruppe.
- En økonom, med interesse for modeludvikling til vores modelgruppe.
- En økonom eller talstærk analytiker, med interesse for samfundsanalyser til vores data- & analysegruppe
For alle tre stillinger gælder det, at du kan have fysisk tilknytning til enten Bornholm eller København efter eget valg.
Vi har et stærkt fagligt miljø, og vi arbejder gerne på tværs af discipliner og faglighed. Det er kun en fordel, hvis du delvist kan se dig selv i mere end én af de øvrige opslåede stillinger.
Der er rig mulighed for hjemmearbejdsplads, men også for at komme ind på kontoret hver dag. Her er humøret højt, og vi når dagligt rundt om sparring og fordybelse og et godt grin.
Vi er på udkig efter profiler, som kan være nyuddannede, har relevant erhvervserfaring, har en PhD-grad, eller som har ledelseserfaring.
Our outlet
The prerequisite for CRT as an independent research and development institution is an annual basic grant secured by financial law, as well as a series of long-term data collaborations on the Regional Economic Model.
This creates the framework for the purpose paragraphs
1. to carry out research and development work in areas where the Centre for Regional and Tourism Research has or may have an independent national location and international impact.
2. to conduct research-based development activities to promote tourism and regional development;
What we stand for
CRT is the partner for anyone who wants insight into place development and regional transformation.
Our efforts must benefit the balanced development of regional and local Denmark
Value base
At a time of great transformation, it is important to examine and qualify how changes and special initiatives can affect communities and the lives of citizens differently.
CRT is the knowledge partner for everyone who wants insight into place development and regional transformation
We are a specialized team of experts with modeling tools that can shed light on regional developments.
At CRT, we have been researching regional development for more than 30 years, and our team represents a wide range of specialized competencies that allow us to shed light on regional development from different angles of entry.
But it is in partnerships that we are best.
We therefore place high priority on networking and collaboration.
Our unique experience in the field is supported by our extensive access to data.
Through partnerships, among other things, we have developed the Regional Economic Model, which is the only socio-economic model in Denmark that projects national economic activity at the municipal/regional level.
With the model, we can calculate, among other things, consequences or scenarios for how economic and political interventions affect the social economy nationally, regionally and municipally.