Rural Tourism in the Nordic Region: Pan-Nordic analysis of regional tourism strategies for rural areas.


This project looks at the challenges facing the development of a more sustainable rural tourism in the Nordic regions. Our key interest is understanding the degree to which regional tourism strategies are used by the tourism actors, policy makers and local communities as tools to balance positive economic and social development in rural areas with the environmental or social burden of the tourism. What are the main concerns and interests in the different tourism planning documents? What visions for tourism development do they express, and what role do sustainability concerns play in the plans envisaged? Although this study was designed in 2018, prior to the current Covid-19 crisis and its wide-ranging impact on tourism, it contains results which are relevant to the changes in tourism planning taking place across all parts of the Nordic region in the wake of the pandemic.

Publikationer fra projektet:

Bogason, Á., Karlsdóttir, A. and Broegaard, R. B. (2020) Planning for sustainable tourism in the Nordic region. Pan-Nordic analysis of Regional Tourism Strategies for rural areas, Nordregio. Stockholm. doi:


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