

541 udgivelser
Anders Hedetoft, Privat: Jie Zhang, Øvrige

Kystturismen i Danmark

Forfattere: Anders Hedetoft, Carl Henrik Marcussen og Jie Zhang. Rapporten beskriver den geografiske lokalisering og koncentration af kystturismen i Danmark ud fra en række indikatorer.


Inter-Connectedness in the Danish Local Economy – Applications with the LINE-model

Forfatter: Bjarne Madsen. Præsentation: Inter-Connectedness in the Danish Local Economy – Applications with the LINE-model

Privat: Lene Havtorn Larsen, Karin Topsø Larsen

What is a creative community? A case from Bornholm

“Make it happen”. Conference 25-28 September 2012, East Iceland.

Jesper Manniche

Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics: On the Usefulness of the Differentiated Knowledge Bases Model

On the basis of existing literature and newly collected empirical evidence this article discusses the theoretical, empirical, research methodological and policy implications of a recently introduced knowledge taxonomy, the so-called Differentiated Knowledge Bases model (Asheim et al., 2011), which distinguishes between three epistemologically different approaches that are summarized in the notions of analytical (theoretically understanding), […]

Jesper Manniche, Øvrige

Rural Education – Qualifying for the Experience Economy

Forfattere: Anja Bach-Jensen, Jesper Manniche og Tage Petersen. Præsentation ved RSA Experience Economy Network Meeting, Bornholm 13.-14. september 2012, Bornholm.

Privat: Lene Havtorn Larsen, Karin Topsø Larsen

The Arts and Crafts Association of Bornholm as a community resource

Præsentation ved RSA Research Network on Experience Economy and Spatial Strategies 13.-14. september 2012, Bornholm.


Temperature and destination choice – a pan-European perspective

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. Præsentation ved IGC COLOGNE 2012 – 32nd International Geographical Congress, 26.-30. august 2012. Theme: Tourism and Global Environmental Change: Climate Change Issues.

Karin Topsø Larsen

Evaluering af tilflytterindsatser på Bornholm

Præsentation om tilflytterindsatser på Bornholm


Exploring possible futures for territorial attractiveness – the ATTREG-future-model

Forfatter: Bjarne Madsen. Præsentation ved European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON).

Anders Hedetoft, Øvrige

Potentialer for erhvervsudvikling i turismebranchen på småøerne

Forfattere: Anders Hedetoft og Eskild Hansen. Karakteristik af turismen på småøerne i Syddanmark samt anbefalinger til en fremadrettet turismeindsats i sammenhæng med det øvrige erhvervsgrundlag på småøerne.