

541 udgivelser
Privat: Lene Havtorn Larsen, Øvrige

Ledelse af frivillige på Bornholm

Forfattere: Lene Rømer og Lene Koefoed. Præsentation ved klyngekonference på Bornholm, 1.-2. november 2011.


Seasonality and pricing – The case of Danish holiday cottages

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. Præsentation ved 20th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21.-24. september, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Karin Topsø Larsen

Conceptualising Creative communities with examples from Bornholm

Creative Communities: Partner meeting and introduction to creative communities on Bornholm, 22.-24. september, 2011, Bornholm.


Determinants of tourist satisfaction and intention to return

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. This study shows that tourist satisfaction tends to lead to intention to return. However, satisfaction is not the only factor determining intention to return. Other factors, such as nearness of the destination to the market, prior experience, sociodemographics, and additional trip characteristics, also play a role. Multiple regression analyses were used […]


Determinants of tourist spending – in cross-section studies and at Danish destinations

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. This article begins with a meta-analysis style review of the determinants of tourist spending according to more than 50 cross-sectional studies published in academic journal articles during the period 1995-2009. The studies are grouped using factor analysis based on the determinants included or not included in each study. Following the structured […]


Visualising Groups of European Destinations

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. This paper applies a technique called multidimensional scaling (MDS) to illustrate how European destinations are positioned in relation to each other. The basis for doing so is bednight statistics from Eurostat for the period from 1998 to 2009 for 33 European destinations (countries, nations). For each destination bednights are registered in […]

Karin Topsø Larsen, Øvrige

Årsberetning 2010

Forfattere: Karin Topsø Larsen og Laila Lund Balle. CRT’s årsberetning fra CRT 2010.


Seasonality in tourism – Separating the natural and institutional causes

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. Præsentation ved 7th Biennial Symposium on Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure of the International Academy of Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Research, IACTHR, in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management, ChaingMai, Thailand, 24.-27. maj 2011.

Anders Hedetoft, Karin Topsø Larsen

Pixi-udgave – analyse af kommende kompetencebehov på Bornholm

Rapporten opsummerer hovedkonklusioner fra undersøgelsen af bornholmske virksomheders fremtidige behov (2010-2024) for viden og medarbejdere.

Privat: Lene Havtorn Larsen, Øvrige

Frivillige er en uregerlig størrelse – der kræver mening, belønning og ledelse

Forfattere: Lene Rømer og Lene Koefoed. Artiklen diskuterer og kommer med anbefalinger til ledelse af frivillige med udgangspunkt i erfaringer fra bornholmske kulturinstitutioner.