

541 udgivelser

Internet Distribution of European Travel and Tourism Services

Forfatter: Carl Henrik Marcussen. The Market, Transportation and Package Tours. This publication looks at Internet distribution of European travel and tourism services from a marketing, management and business oriented perspective.

Anders Hedetoft, Jesper Manniche

De bornholmske landdistrikter – analyse af udviklingsrammer og muligheder

I denne rapport præsenterer Bornholms Forskningscenter en analyse af rammebetingelser og udviklingsmuligheder for de bornholmske landdistrikter. Rapporten er bestilt er Udviklingsudvalget under Bornholms Amt i samarbejde med LUIC. Analysen må ses som en integreret del af det arbejde der for øjeblikket foregår med henblik på at indarbejde en landdistriktspolitik i såvel kommuneplan samt regionsplan på […]


Konkurrence mellem overnatningsformer

Forfattere: Charlotte Rassing og Svend Lundtorp. Formålet med denne analyse er at belyse konkurrencen mellem forskellige overnatningsformer – om der er konkurrence, hvilke overnatningsformer der konkurrerer og hvilke kundegrupper de konkurrerer om.


Case Studies of Tourism in Peripheral Areas

Forfattere: Frances Brown og Derek Hall. Proceedings from an international seminar on Bornholm, September 1997. This report is the last contribution to the subject matter that was generated by the conference.


Air Tansport Policies and Frequent Flyer Programmes in the European Community

Forfatter: Susanne Storm. The aim of this monograph is to examine frequent flyer programmes in the light of general air transport policies in the European Community.


Survey of Visitors to Bornholm 1998

Forfatter: Charlotte R. Rassing. The overall objective was to provide a comprehensive description of visitors to Bornholm that was in keeping with the standard analysis of destination surveys.


Cycling Tourism

Forfattere: Peter Saabye Simonsen, Birgitte Jørgensen og Derek Robbins. An economic and environmental sustainable form of tourism? Tourist mobility in destination areas – the role of the bicycle – a case study of Bornholm.


Survey of Visitors to Bornholm 1997

Forfatter: Charlotte R. Rassing. The overall objective was to provide a comprehensive description of visitors to Bornholm that was in keeping with the standard analysis of destination surveys.


Theme Parks as Flagship Attractions in Peripheral Areas

Forfatter: Petter Dybedal. The study will hopefully contribute to the understanding of some of the essential questions related to theme parks as flagships in peripheral areas, and to the general evaluation of flagship attractions.


Encouraging Tourism Development Through the EU Structural Funds

Forfatter: Benedicte Bull. The implementation of EU programmes on Bornholm and the tourism sector’s use of them.