
Access to KRØS provides unique opportunities to make projections of the supply and demand for labour for health and care professionals in Danish regions and municipalities up to 2040.

What does KRØS mean?

KRØS is a socio-economic special version of SAM/K-LINE, and describes health, welfare and labour market dynamics in Danish municipalities and regions. The special version is an analytical tool to monitor and follow the development of population health and welfare in Denmark as well as labour market developments for health and care professionals in regions and municipalities.

The model version describes and projects the health and welfare sector in detail and can therefore help to qualify and optimise decision-making and prioritisation processes in the healthcare sector through factual knowledge of factors of importance for supply and demand, as well as quality and equity in health.


KRØS ensures a valid data base for projecting labour demand with scientifically recognised methods of projection, taking into account the development of population health and welfare in Denmark and the labour market development of health and care workers in regions and municipalities.

The model has been scientifically evaluated

SAM-K/LINE is recognized in 2019 by an international Scientific Evaluation Board consisting of professors in economic models, health economics, etc.

Main conclusions of the Scientific Evaluation Board consisting of domestic and foreign experts:

  • “state of the art”
  • “Practically unsurpassed in Denmark”
  • “more than suited, compared to competing Danish models, for doing forecasts, scenario analyses and impact assessments of the supply and demand for health care professionals.”
  • “Provides a level of detail that matches, and in most cases surpasses the detail of international models. “
  • “Still, as always, there is of course room for improvements of the existing model as well as room for more fundamental extensions.”


  • SAM-K/LINE is with ADAM and
  • Modelo covers the 5 regions and the 98 municipalities with a projection horizon up to 2040
  • The model draws on numerous national records

  • SAM-K/LINE is a status recognized in 2019 by an international scientific agency. The Board concluded that the model is “state-of-the-art” and that in its current form it is the best bid for a projection of demand for and supply of healthcare trained workers in Denmark.
  • KRØS and SAM-K/LINE are operated and maintained by the Centre for Regional and Tourism Research

Significant features of the model

  • Stock flow model: Start and end of Statistics Denmark training. Includes 47 educational groups.
  • Individual consumption: Divided into Practice, Hospital and Care sectors.
  • Employment: the number of hours worked and the number of hours worked.
  • Regional data: direct link between treatments and employees.
  • Data on authorizations for medical specialties
  • Job types: main job, side job and foreign employees.
  • Other aggregations in termini di educazione, per esempio, un totalmente di 38 specialità medicali sono aggregato a 22, contra cui è possibile essere trasparare dati dettagliati.
  • *At the highest level of education

What data is used in the model?

The model version uses health data, which is included along with many other micro and macro data.

For example:

  • Treatments: LPR/DRG, SSSY
  • Population: BEF, FODT, DOD, DST Population Projection
  • Education: UDDA, AUT, specialist medical education
  • Occupation: RAS, AMR, BFL, organisational data of regions
  • Income, consumption: IND, TØBBE, Consumption survey, etc.
  • Macro data: KRNR, TA, ADAM projection

Health records:
  • The Common Municipal Health Insurance System (DST SSSY, practice data)
  • DSt Elderly documentation (care data)
  • SDSt Country Patient Registered
  • STP Authorization Register
  • HR & Payroll Systems for Region H
  • DRG and DAGS grouped data from the Country Patient Register
  • The National Patient Register (the research-led data model of LPR)
  • National Patient Register (data on Psychiatry)

The model is constantly updated and expanded

Do you want to know more about the healthcare model?
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At CRT, we have been researching regional development for more than 30 years, and our team represents a wide range of specialized competencies.

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Regionaløkonomisk Model
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