Nordic Food Transitions

Nordic Food Transitions

Towards a territorialized action space for food and rural development, 1st Edition, Routledge

The ambition of the book is to investigate a possible transition in the markets for food in the Nordic countries. Six chapters from various disciplinary traditions study change and innovation within the food sectors in Denmark, Sweden and Norway; while an introductory chapter discusses the findings of these analyses. The chapters were originally published in a special issue of European Planning Studies.

Speciality food has established a strong position within product categories such as craft beer in Denmark and organic food in Sweden, but has failed to do so in others. The emergence of markets for speciality foods have been promoted by top-down policy initiatives and bottom-up entrepreneurial efforts.

Far from providing the only relevant platform for food transition and innovation, the “New Nordic Food” manifesto has helped to create a territorialized action space for networks of food producers and distributors promoting diversity in local food and rural development.

Some of the speciality food networks have succeeded in re-scaling their operations from a local to a national market. Today even large retailers and food processing companies have to pay attention to the ongoing changes among consumers. There is however a paradoxical constraint in a transition towards speciality food. A large-scale transition would imply that producers and consumers abandon precisely what constitute them – their exclusiveness.

Introduction: Emerging Nordic food approaches
Jesper Manniche and Bjørnar Sæther

1. Quality turns in Nordic food: a comparative analysis of specialty food in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
Henrik Halkier, Laura James and Egil Petter Stræte

2. Sustainability transformations in the balance: exploring Swedish initiatives challenging the corporate food regime
Jacob von Oelreich and Rebecka Milestad

3. How relationships can influence an organic firm’s network identity
Gunn-Turid Kvam, Hilde Bjørkhaug and Ann-Charlott Pedersen

4. It’s never too late to join the revolution! – Enabling new modes of production in the contemporary Danish food system
Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe, Chris Kjeldsen and Egon Noe

5. Storytelling and meal experience concepts
Lena Mossberg and Dorthe Eide

6. The reinvention of terroir in Danish food place promotion
Szilvia Gyimóthy

The editors of the book is Jesper Manniche, PhD and senior researcher at Centre for Regional & Tourism Research and Bjørnar Sæther, professor at Oslo University.

Jesper Manniche

Senior researcher, Bornholm, PhD, research & analysis

Circular economy, innovation, knowledge dynamics and food and experience economy in rural areas.

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