National Centre for Green Energy - Demographics and Competencies
CRT has analysed Bornholm's prerequisites to meet the expected demand for particularly skilled labour that Energiø Bornholm will generate.
The analysis was carried out under the auspices of the project National Center for Green Energy as an analysis input to the subproject 6.1. Residential College: New Green Vocational School. The analysis is delivered to Campus Bornholm as part of their strategy development in connection with Energiø Bornholm.
The focus of the analysis is partly on the expected general demographic and labour force development on Bornholm, including focusing on the importance of relocation and ageing for the workforce. In addition, there is a special focus on the skilled workforce and the expectation of what competencies Energiø Bornholm will demand and what development trends can be expected within the most relevant disciplines.
The analysis concludes with an assessment of which stakes respectively. Campus Bornholm and Bornholm Regionskommune can advantageously initiate — based on the knowledge available at the time of completion of the analysis.