Ready for Energiø Bornholm - additional business and market analysis
As part of preparing Bornholm for Energiø, a number of consultancy analyses have been carried out that have aimed to describe some of the expected effects of the upcoming energy island investments on Bornholm. Employment in particular is expected to increase in: Construction, Mechanical Engineering, Iron and Metal, Transport and Freight Handling, Operational Business Services, Retail, and Restaurant and Catering. In these industries, there is already a shortage of skilled workers. Therefore, it is considered likely that a large proportion of the new employees will have to be attracted from the rest of the country and from abroad. The analysis will provide an overview of how the existing Bornholm companies within each of the above-mentioned industries stand in relation to the development of Energiø Bornholm, and their opportunities to bid for future tasks. The analysis should focus on companies' ability to enter a highly competitive market, with a particular focus on retaining and attracting skilled workers. In addition, the analysis must contain concrete proposals on how companies can be supported within the relevant industries in preparing for the upcoming tasks.In addition to the report, the project also includes a background note with local development experiences in Klintholm and Hvide Sande ports, which can be read here:Local development experiences - Klintholm and Hvide Sande harbours
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Chief Consultant
Senior researcher
Senior researcher