Navigating sustainable transition processes at the local level: The case of Energy Island Bornholm
CRT senior researchers Andreas Skriver Hansen, Jesper Manniche and Karin Topsø Larsen have published the paper: “Navigating sustainable transition processes at the local level: The case of Energy Island Bornholm” in the scientific journal "Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions".
The paper examines local sustainable transition processes related to the introduction of large-scale sustainable energy infrastructure projects in peripheralized areas, with a specific focus on understanding their role and complex development considerations, potentials, and dilemmas. Experiences are reported from the Danish `Energy Island Bornholm´, where a 3,8 GW offshore wind farm field isplanned, potentially presenting new, local business and innovation opportunities, whilst raising concerns about local preparedness and capacity evels when undertaking a host role in such a massive project. The empirical base consists of qualitative data (observations and interviews) from a local development project running 2022–2023. Findings are analysed and discussed based on theoretical insights from literature on sustainable transition and peripheralization processes, resulting in four analytical dimensions: Local economic opportunities and green paths; Demography and work force dilemmas; Democracy and involvement; Governance and capacity building. The paper urgesmore comprehensive, comparative, and critical place-specific research on transition processes.
Link to the journal where the paper is located and can be downloaded (if available): Navigating sustainable transition processes at the local level: The case of Energy Island Bornholm -ScienceDirect