National Center for Green Energy - Socioeconomic Analysis
CRT has analysed the potential of local employment and tax revenues in connection with the development of Energiø Bornholm. DKK 27 million from the Danish Enterprise Promotion Authority for Bornholm has, through the project National Center for Green Energy, the study of possibilities to make the island a national hub for knowledge about green energy, technology development, innovation, sustainability and a pioneer in green business development.Focus in the analysis is calculations on the development of Energiø Bornholm, which at present can be done quantify in numbers. The work involves an analysis of local, economic effects boats on the establishment and operation of the future energy island (offshore wind farm and onshore installations) and when establishing and operating a possible future Power-to-X (PTx) plant on Bornholm. By effects, we mean specifically local, direct employment and tax effects, which are examined through scenario analyses in order to determine which scenario comes closest to the local policy goal of reaching 42,000 inhabitants on Bornholm. The analysis also includes reflections on other types of other, derivative business effects that could potentially also result in local economy and local jobs, but which cannot yet be quantified and valued. The result is published in a project report. As part of the project, the CRT's task has been to carry out a socio-economic analysis, which can be downloaded here: Socioeconomic analysis — pixie edition
Socioeconomic analysis - report
Onepager: Socioeconomic Analysis - Part 1 Employment_Final
Onepager: Socioeconomic Analysis - Part 2 Other Potentials_Final
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