
The tourism version is used by VisitDenmark and the destinations to monitor and follow the economic impact of tourism at both municipal level and for the overall Danish economy.

What is the tourism version?

The tourism version is a socio-economic special version of SAM-K/LINE that describes the socio-economic effects of tourism in Denmark. In cooperation with VisitDenmark, the total tourism consumption is calculated at the municipal level. Tourism consumption is used in the tourism version to estimate the employment, tax and economic effects of tourism in municipalities, destinations and at national level.

The results of this version form the basis for VisitDenmark's annual report “The Economic Importance of Tourism”, which is a widely used tool in the Danish tourism economy. The report contributes, among other things, to qualify and optimize decision-making processes through factual knowledge about the local impact of tourism. Economic importance of tourism

Why a tourism version?

The tourism model ensures a valid data base that follows the international recommendations for tourism satellite accounts from the UNWTO (World Tourism Organisation), OECD and Eurostat, and meets the criteria for a regional tourism satellite account (RTSA).

The tourism model is a unique tool in the tourism economy

There are several reasons why the tourism model is unique in a Danish and international context:

  • It has been developed and improved over many years of cooperation with VisitDenmark.
  • Follows the international recommendations for tourism satellite accounts from the UNWTO, OECD and Eurostat.
  • Unique in an international context, that one can estimate the regional derivative effects of tourism.
  • A level of detail is high, as it is possible to evaluate the effect of tourism by nationality and accommodation types, all the way down to the municipal level.
  • SAM-K/LINE as a model is recognized in 2019 by an international Scientific Evaluation Board composed of professors in the field of economic models, etc.


  • SAM-K/LINE is the regional counterpart to ADAM and is a tool for regional economic analyses and projections.
  • The model covers the 5 regions, 19 destinations and 98 municipalities with a projection horizon up to 2040.
  • The model draws on numerous national registries.
  • SAM-K/LINE is recognized in 2019 by an international Scientific Evaluation Board. The board concluded that the model is “state-of-the-art”.
  • The tourism version and SAM-K/LINE are operated and maintained by the Centre for Regional and Tourism Research.

Key features of the tourism model

  • Tourism consumption: Divided by nationalities, types of accommodation and consumption groups
  • Employment effects: Number of employed persons and number of hours worked due to tourism
  • Tax revenue: Split by item and personal taxes  

  • Economic effects: Gross value added (BVT) at industry level and Gross domestic product (GDP) at municipal level
  • The three business areas: Division of urban and nature tourism and business tourism, respectively
  • Regional data: Unique insight into the tourism economy right down to the municipal level

What data is used in the model?

Modeulet uses tourism data, which is included along with many other micro and macro data. For example:

Tourism data:
  • Daily consumption: Primarily VisitDenmarks Tourist Survey. The study asks about the consumption of a number of consumer components. The consumption components are forwarded in the version so that they can be combined with the National Accounts data
  • Accommodation data: To a large extent Statistics Denmark's accommodation statistics, which are forwarded by VisitDenmark, so it also contains smaller accommodation properties. However, for some accommodations it is necessary to use other sources
  • DTU's Transport Habits Survey: Used to calculate Danish one-day tourism. Both in terms of holiday and business tourism

  • Population: The BEF register is used, among other things, to enter data into the model on the population's municipality of residence, gender, age and more.
  • Education: The UDDA register is used to add detailed information about education level

Employment and income:
  • Employment: The registers RAS, AMR, BFL are used to provide a detailed insight into employment by municipality of residence and place of work for both employed and self-employed persons
  • Income and Consumption: There are currently no official statistics on the distribution of consumer goods at the municipal level. Therefore, the version estimates are based on, among other things, the IND register, which contains register-based income data and the Consumption Survey, which can be used to estimate consumption shares at municipal level
National data:
  • National accounts data: The so-called Access and Use tables (TA) are used, which are the most detailed national accounts data and essential for understanding the economic context in the Danish economy. In addition, the Municipal Regional National Accounts (KRNR) data from DST are used, which is crucial for the municipality to be able to distribute the National Accounts.
  • ADAM projection: As TA data are not published until the final national accounts, which are approximately 2.5 years after the end of the reference year, TA data must be projected. Among other things, ADAM projection data are used here.

The model and tourism version are constantly updated and expanded

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