Authors: Laura Virtanen and Nino Javakhishvili. The Centre for Regional and Tourism Research, in collaboration with The Centre HR of The Capital Region of Denmark, developed Regional Healthcare Satellite Accounting (RHSA) for the Danish healthcare sector and labour market of healthcare professionals. RHSA is an economic extension for Regional Economic Model, SAM-K/LINE® that is developed, […]...
Authors: Anne-Mette Nielsen, Jie Zhang and Nino Javakhishvili-Larsen Coastal and maritime tourism in Denmark accounts for 37% of the total tourism revenue. This document seeks to investigate the importance of coastal and maritime tourism in Denmark, while meeting the requirements from the EU Commission. The analysis of coastal and maritime tourism is challenging at a […]...
This report is a revised version of the RTSA report by Zhang, 2005. The Center for Regional and Tourism Research (CRT) and VisitDenmark have revised the report for the Danish Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA), a project that started in 2005. The purpose of the report is methodical documentation of the development of the Danish RTSA. […]...
Authors: Jie Zhang and Tobias F. Rasmusson This report is a technical document including data, model structure and modelling results. Based on the experience from the previous project for VisitDenmark (VisitDenmark, 2012; Zhang, 2014) during the period 2011-2012 and the UNWTO manual for the meeting activities (UNWTO, 2006), VisitDenmark and CRT have agreed to start […]...
Nordic Food Transitions Towards a territorialized action space for food and rural development, 1st Edition, Routledge The ambition of the book is to investigate a possible transition in the markets for food in the Nordic countries. Six chapters from various disciplinary traditions study change and innovation within the food sectors in Denmark, Sweden and Norway; […]...
This research project was carried out between September 2017 – November 2018. The project has sought to challenge two common understandings in particular: 1) moving in and out of rural areas are one-way processes that are either a loss or a gain for the rural area and 2) that rural areas are peripheral, relatively unconnected […]...
Authors: Johan Hultman, Emil Bæk Holland, Filippa Säwe, Salmi Pekka, Jesper Manniche and Jeppe Høst In this report, we explore the potentials of a differentiated approach to the development of Nordic fisheries. By this we mean an approach that caters to different development logics, and that sets new development goals especially for the small and […]...
Project manager: Carl Henrik Marcussen. The project “Biking South Baltic!” includes a questionnaire survey of cycling tourists. The study’s results are reviewed in this report and are based on a total of 2,285 responses from five regions or parts of the country in three different countries: Pomerania, Poland (506), West Pomerania, Poland (400), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, […]...
“Laboured Learning – Investigating challenged localities through a geography of vocational education” is Karin Topsø Larsen’s PhD thesis, published by Aalborg University in January 2017. This thesis uses an approach that analyses the factors that influence the opportunity structures within the VET system, as well as an approach that examines young people’s perceptions of their […]...
Authors: Jesper Manniche, Karin Topsø Larsen, Rikke Brandt Broegaard and Emil Holland. See also the report: Promotion of the Circular Economy in Tourism – Experiences and Recommendations from the CIRTOINNO Project. This Handbook is the result of work carried out in Work Package 3 in the Interreg South Baltic innovation project, CIRTOINNO. The CIRTOINNO project […]...